Monday, 27 July 2015

Traversal in binary tree

Traversals in Binary Tree

Before reading this, please check out our video to fully understand what a binary tree actually is.
Now, you must be wondering that how can we print the data of the tree or how can we actually go to each node in the tree. So, traversals are the systematic way through which we can travel to each node in the tree exactly once that too in some systematic behavior.
The linear order, which traverses from beginning to end, is not present in the trees.

The different traversals present for the tree are -
1.    Preorder Traversal
2.    Inorder Traversal
3.    Postorder Traversal
4.    Level Order Traversal

Remember that binary tree is of recursive nature, means that the left and right sub trees of the binary tree root node are themselves the binary trees and this property helps us achieve the traversals using the recursion method.

1.    Pre order Traversal-
i.                   Visit the root
ii.                 Traverse the left sub tree in pre order manner
iii.              Traverse the right sub tree in pre order manner

2.    In order traversal
i.                   Traverse the Left sub tree in in order fashion
ii.                 Visit the root
iii.              Traverse the right sub tree in in order fashion

3.    Post Order Traversal
i.                   Traverse the left sub tree in post order fashion
ii.                 Traverse the right sub tree in post order fashion
iii.              Visit the root
We will discuss the level order traversal later.
In all the above three traversals, we can see that the steps involve the traversing the left and right sub trees in some particular fashion, and here at these steps is when we call it recursively.

Recursive implementation of the Traversals

Structure of node of a tree
struct node
          int data;
          node *left;    //left child
          node *right;  //right child


1.    Preorder
void preorder(node *n)         
          if(n==NULL) return ;  // if node is NULL or becomes NULL simply return
                                                  //acts as base case
          printf("%d\t", n->data);    // print the root
          preorder(n->left);            // recurse over left sub tree
          preorder(n->right);        //recurse over right sub tree

2.    Inorder
void inorder(node * n)
          if(n==NULL) return ;
          inorder(n->left);                    // recurse over left first
          printf("%d\t", n->data);   // print node ->data
          inorder(n->right);            // now recurse over right sub tree
3.    Postorder
void postorder(node *n)
          if(n==NULL) return ;
          printf("%d\t", n->data);

Time Complexity – O(n) , n = #nodes in the tree
Space Complexity – O(n) – considering the stack used in the recursion
Iterative implementations of the Traversals-

1.    Preorder

 void preorderi(node *n)
          stack<node *>s;                 // make an explicit stack
          s.push(n);                             //push root node into it
           while(!s.empty())                 // while stack has nodes
                   node *temp =;               //print parent/node data
//push its left and right children but in opposite order as stack works in LIFO manner

2.    Inorder
i.                   Create an empty stack
ii.                 push root node and make it the current node
iii.              keep on pushing node till current does not become NULL, right now the topmost element in stack is the first node to be printed in inorder traversal
iv.              now till the stack does not become empty , keep on popping the top print it and move to the popped node’s right  

void inorderi(node *n)
          stack<node *> s;
          int done =0;
                                       n =;
                                      printf("%d \t", n->data);
                             done =1;   
3.    Postorder
A little difficult due to non-tail recursion present in it. We simply generate the reverse Postorder and store it in the stack and using the LIFO property we print the correct Postorder traversal.
You may now think that how to generate the reverse Postorder.
Lets try it out on an example –

The Postorder traversal is – 4, 5, 2 , 6 , 7 , 3 ,1

The reverse Postorder Traversal is – 1, 3, 7, 6, 2, 5, 4
We need to get this into the stack. But Question still remains same … How ??

Let us check Preorder Traversal – 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7
We know that in preorder first the left subtree is recursed and then right sub tree.
But suppose if we change it to first recurse over right sub tree and then to over left sub tree
Changed preorder traversal – 1, 3, 7, 6, 2, 5, 4
And now you can easily see that this changed preorder and reverse post order traversal we want are the same.
So for iterative Postorder, we go like preorder with two little changes
i.                   Recurse over left first and right later ( remember context of Stack -LIFO)
ii.                 Instead of printing the data, store it in the stack
iii.              At last print the stack 

Two stacks will be needed, one for holding the reverse Postorder and other for iterating over the nodes.

void postorderi(node *n)
          stack<node *>s1;
          stack<node *>s2;
          node *temp =;
          s1.pop();                       //popping form s1
          s2.push(temp);          //pushing to s2

                                                          //remember LIFO
                   node *t =;
                   printf("%d\t", t->data);

These all are the DFS kind of traversals.
There also exist BFS kind of traversal known as level order traversal.
We will discuss it soon. Till time practice these.

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