Find common elements
in 3 sorted array
3 arrays are given:
Arr1: 4,19,33,47,68,79,82,85,100
Arr2: 18,19 ,20,33,79, 80, 100
Arr3: 1,2,4,33,64,68,79,100,128,139
Out of all these,
33,79,100 are the elements that are common in given 3 arrays.
Brute force approach :
Pick first element in arr1 and check
if it is present in 2nd and 3rd array also. If yes then
print it, otherwise pick second element, then third element and so on.
Time complexity : O(n3 )
An efficient approach :
Algorithm :
Step 1: Initialize i=0,j=0,k=0;
Step 2 :Repeat this step till i<len(arr1) and j<len(arr2) and
k <len(arr3)
arr1[i]=arr2[j]=arr3[k] ,print that element as it is the common element and
increment i,j,k.
B) Else if arr1[i] <
arr2[j] ,then arr1[i] cannot be the common element of 3 arrays as arr2 has
already moved ahead. Increment i.
C) Else if arr2[j]<
arr3[k] , then arr2[j] cannot be the common element. Increment j.
D)Else increment k. We
will reach to this case when arr1[i] > arr2[j] and arr2[j] > arr3[k] .It
means arr3[k] is smallest. So it cannot be the common element.
Time complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary space: O(1)
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